Thursday 22 January 2009

First Shooting Day

Our group did our first shoot yesterday of the performance shots of the band. We aimed to complete all of our preformance shots including filler shots of the band waiting for the main singer to arrive. We used the stage within our school to give a lo-fi ambience feel to the music video that we had set out to achieve from the knowledge we gained from our music video analysis' and technical analysis; ie. types of shots. We were able to successfully shoot many of the instrumental and singer arrival shots to a good standard. Unfortunately, some lighting issues were noticed whilst capturing the footage, mainly of the singer's performance and the lighting on his face. Also, we need more of the filler shots that see the waiting band members involved in various activities waiting in boredom for the singer; ie. playing on the wii. As a result, we have scheduled to re-shoot these specific shots tomorrow. Hopefully, our second shoot will allow us to have all the required perfomance shots necessary. To conclude, many of the shots from our first shoot will be included within the final music video but some will be re-shot and modified.

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